The Creighton Club
New York State Philosophical Association
The 161th Conference Program
Saturday, October 17th, 2015
Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)
8:30 AM Coffee & Pleasantries9:00 AM Travis Timmerman (Syracuse University): “Speciesism is False by (Most)
Speciesists’ Own Lights”
Commentator: David Limbaugh (University at Buffalo)
10:15 AM Coffee & Pleasantries
10:30 AM Steve Petersen (Niagara University): “Composition as Pattern”
Commentator: Maureen B. Donnelly (University at Buffalo)
11:45 AM Business Meeting
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM David Hershenov (University at Buffalo) and Rose Hershenov (Niagara University):
“The Potential of Potentiality Arguments”
Commentator: Ben Bradley (Syracuse University)
2:45 PM Coffee & Pleasantries
3:00 PM Nathan Ballantyne (Fordham University): “Verbal Disagreement in Philosophy”
Commentator: David James Barnett (Union College)
4:15 PM Coffee & Pleasantries
Kieran Setiya (MIT)
4:30 PM
This year’s conference is sponsored by the Central New York Humanities Corridor supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The 2015 meeting is located on the campus of Syracuse University. Parking is available in the University's Quad 4 (Q4) parking lot, near the corner of Euclid Avenue and College Place. For directions see here. If the Q4 lot is full, park in the Waverly lot, which is just a block down the hill. See a campus map here. A nearby hotel is here.
The location of the conference is 500 Hall of Languages, roughly in the center of campus.
Participants can purchase lunch at the Marshall Square Mall.
The closing banquet will again be held at Flame Restaurant, located at 713 East Fayette St., just a ten minute walk from campus. We will order off the menu and you can pay for your meal individually at the restaurant. We need to know if you are attending the dinner so that we can make a reservation of the appropriate size.
RSVP for dinner by Monday, October 12 to Please pay for your dues here.